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The Next American Economy
Across the political spectrum, many want the government to play an even greater role in the economy via protectionism, industrial policy, stakeholder capitalism, or even quasi-socialist policies. At stake is not only the future of the world’s biggest economy, but the economic liberty that remains central to America’s identity as a nation. What can be done? On this episode, Samuel Gregg and Carroll Ríos de Rodríguez talk about how these problems are addressed on Gregg’s newest book “The Next American Economy”.
Otros Pódcast
213. El futuro de la civilización depende de la cultura de la libertad
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212. La cultura configura la vida y las instituciones sociales
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211. La familia es el fundamento de la sociedad
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Es un centro que investiga la importancia de la libertad y de la fe en la sociedad actual para promover el florecimiento humano.
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