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How do markets liberate?
With Rachel S. Ferguson
Exhausted by extremism on both left and right, a majority of Americans -black and white- love this country and want to do right by all of its citizens. In Black Liberation Through the Marketplace, readers will come away with a better understanding of black history and creative ideas for how to make this nation truly one with liberty and justice for all. Join Rachel Ferguson and Carroll Rios de Rodríguez on this conversation about her most recent book, why she wrote it and how you can use your principles to fight for justice.
Otros Pódcast
235. «La lucha por la memoria histórica» con Ana Lucía Rodríguez
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234. «El poder político en Diego de Covarrubias» parte II con León M. Gómez Rivas
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233. «El poder político en Diego de Covarrubias» con José Carlos Martín de la Hoz
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Es un centro que investiga la importancia de la libertad y de la fe en la sociedad actual para promover el florecimiento humano.
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